Which is more harmful elitism or populism? Is the time for diplomacy over? Amélie once said, times are hard for dreamers now we know that for a fact. Human rights are a replacement theology that we suspend and use at our own convenience. Here’s my self-proclaimed elitist August playlist trying so hard to reach, quantify and measure the popular opinion.

1. Wolf Alice – Don’t Delete the Kisses

2. LCD Soundsystem – Oh Baby 

3. Hercules & Love Affair – Are You Still Certain? feat. Mashrou’ Leila

4. Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile – Over Everything

5. Angus and Julia Stone – Chateau

6. Beck – Dear Life

7. The Marías – I Don’t Know You

8. Rhye, Roosevelt – Summer Days (Roosevelt Remix)

9. The National – Guilty Party

10. Little Dragon – Strobe Light



Damien Rice and Cantus Domus- It Takes A Lot To Know a Man