Baby Driver, the new movie by Edgar Wright, is an original fast-paced action movie that proves that you don’t need to remake Fast & Furious 84 times to get people to go to the cinema. Fuelled by an awesome soundtrack, Baby Driver is well-written, quick, and keeps you super entertained without drowning in action stereotypes. The best part of the movie is that you get to hear the soundtrack through Baby, and create an emotional connection with each freaking song. Here are my top ten favorites from this bad ass movie:
1. The opening scene that captures the awesomeness that is in store for the next hour and 52 minutes, Bellbottoms! (Also the most facial expressions you’ll see from Baby in the whole movie):
2. This Kid Koala fun which plays throughout the movie in funky bits and pieces:
3. Because come on, baby. Who doesn’t want to walk through the city on the Harlem Shuffle?
4. Baby’s fingers dancing around while Doc sets up the plan is each one of us during Monday internal meetings:
5. For the old school young fool love of Baby and Deborah (make you feel all sorts of feels):
6. Okay another one for the old school young love! Deborah, always look like a Zebora!
7. The scene that makes you wish you’ve been doing more cardio this year:
8. Baby’s “killer track” over which Baby and Buddy bond for a split second before Buddy becomes a real a-hole:
9. Nowhere to run to habibi!
10. And last but surely not least – Jamie Foxx and TEQUILA!