You might not be one to celebrate Thanksgiving but it is no question that this holiday has crossed most borders and is now celebrated in many countries across the globe. In the spirit of the autumn-colored holiday, here is what we’re thankful for: Hot drinks that keep us warm. Alcohol, our dearest frenemy. Friends who are there for us no matter what. And good music that keeps us going.

Speaking of which, we thought we’d share with you Arlo Guthrie’s classic ‘Alice’s Restaurant’. This 1967 song is our ultimate thanksgiving anthem.

What’s disguised as a tune about a restaurant, garbage, and a girl called Alice is actually a song filled with political and social commentary, fitting for the Vietnam war period during which this was released. In fact, army draft for the war was still mandatory, targeting unprivileged as well POC youth. Guthrie tackles the subject with a catchy melody and snarky satirical lyrics.

Enjoy the illustrated video below and happy Thanksgiving!

Oh and yes it’s 18 minutes. Just focus on the lyrics, it’s worth it.

You can get anything you want at Alice’s restaurant