In the light of the news that one of the worst things that ever happened to television took on the task as the most powerful human being in the world, we wanted to be prepared. It might not really be the end of the world and we’re kind of hoping everyone was overreacting. However, put these songs on your iPods and phones just in case… we might be going down.

Scroll to the bottom of the article to stream the full Spotify and YouTube playlists.

Nine Inch Nails – The Day The World Went Away

Tom Waits – God’s Away on Business

Blackfield – End of the World

The Clash – London Calling

R.E.M. – It’s the End of the World As We Know It

Johnny Cash – The Man Comes Around

Pink Floyd – Run Like Hell

The Doors – The End

Paul McCartney – Live and Let Die

Jimi Hendrix – All Along the Watch Tower

Tame Impala – Apocalypse Dreams

David Bowie – As the World Falls Down

Radiohead – Idioteque

Woodkid – Run Boy Run

Moby – The Sky Is Broken

System of a Down – Soldier Side

Creed – Who’s Got My Back Now

Tears for Fears – Mad World

Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds – Higgs Boson Blues

Gojira – Art of Dying

Spotify playlist:

YouTube playlist