
Learn the Ways of the Cool: How to Love Jazz in 10 Easy Albums

If you’re not very familiar with jazz music I can understand the overwhelming intimidation you might get from the idea of delving deeper into its realms. Structurally, jazz is more complex than the average radio pop anthem because of its improvised nature of multiple melodies and rhythms all working together. Complex time signatures, complex syncopation, complex accents, and seemingly random scales make jazz not the easiest form of music to ‘actively’ listen to, let alone play. I say actively because we all know the stereotypical misconception that jazz is elevator music. Each note counts, yet you find so many of them. Don’t panic. Be patient, it will start to sound more relevant with each listen. But where to start?...


Rani spends his days slaving away for a multinational advertising giant and writing clickbait articles for online publishing platforms about technology, brands and 10 ways to boost your morning routine to become the ultimate entrepreneur. Come nightfall, he lets out his big speakers and plays air-guitar to his mirror until sunrise. He’s in charge of content on Revolver, something he does to compensate his flop as an actual musician.