I consider my life as being split into 2 parts: me having a blast at a burn, and me waiting for a burn.
As you might imagine, part 2 sadly consists of 97% of my life, and that’s a lot of time that I have to occupy with conventional activities such as having a serious job to pay my bills (… and burns), maintaining social appearances, pretending I’m a decent grown-up pursuing ambitious life goals, keeping my parents happy with this bullshit… and reminiscing about the burns and the amazing moments I spent there, by streaming my favorite sets.

Burning Man 2018 was truly a blast, especially when it comes to music. Below are some of the many, many sets that kept me dancing round the clock (and would explain why I’ve been “decompressing” for what it feels like forever), mostly cycling after Mayan Warrior and Robot Heart, or dancing at the Kazbah.

Enjoy the ride.


Best of Mayan Warrior sets:



Kris Berle



Öona Dahl



He’s also the one that created the amazing “Here comes the warrior” that accompany the Mayan Warrior artcar when it gets out at dust… magical moment.



Best of Robot Heart sets:


Lee Burridge

Lost Desert

Carl Cox & Joseph Capriati


La crème de la crème aka the night Mayan Warrior and Robot Heart joined for mental set (and dropped my favourite track: “Meine – Daso”).  Listen to the set here!

Psssst… find me dancing in my green fur 😉


Best of the Kazbah sets:


Sabo & Goldcap

Jamie Jones & The Martinez Brothers


Others sets for your listening pleasure:

Elif set at Camp Bang Bang

KLMN at Ego Trip

Parallels at Maxa art car

Eelke Klein at Play)A(School

Luca Bacchetti at Playground

N2N 5h sunrise set at Celtic Chaos


… The playa provides. With love <3