People get high. They do it a lot and differently. Some use substance, some use music but most use both. For that, I’ve set up a list of 10 songs by 3 artists that will guide your psychedelic trip to dimensions you are yet to penetrate.

By Jad Jabbour


Scroll down for the YouTube links and playlist.


1. Phutureprimitive – Submerge
This track is perfect to start off with. Make sure your trip kicks in first though.

2. Hinkstep – They Come at Night
It WILL grab your Pineal Gland so hard you’ll be farting DMT.

3. Carbon Based Lifeforms – Neurotransmitter
Slows the trip down, cools your brains.

4. Carbon Based Lifeforms – Abiogenesis 
Spins you around and gets your going again.

5. Phutureprimitive – Cryogenic Dreams 
This goes in the middle, because it is a personal favorite. This track might accompany you on every trip from here on out.

6 . Phutureprimitive – Kinetik 
Pure awesome.

7. Phutureprimitive – Predatory Instincts 
BOOM! new dimension.

8. Carbon Based Lifeforms – MOS 6581
The corridor.

9. Hinkstep – Sno
Zips through yet another dimension.

10. Hinkstep – Nelumbo’s Dance
Another personal favorite, and the beautifully melancholic end to your trip.

I hope you enjoy this list as much as I do. At some point, it starts playing in your head everytime you are deep in thought.
I also found that this list is beautifully fitting for more aggressive forms of meditation.